T.I.A. This Is Africa
Sedan började arbetet med att fylla diesel med dunkar. Tillsammans med Ludde på S/Y Mary tog det resten av dagen att utföra detta, till synes, ganska enkla moment. Jolle in till hamnen, bil till bensinstationen med x antal dunkar x antal gånger, fylla tankarna med hjälp av en slang, rengöra dunkarna, tvätta rent.... Vilken skillnad när man på en marina kan pumpa i diesel på 15min :D
Det är en fest som verkligen fyller hjärtat att bara titta på folkvimlet, särskilt betrakta kvinnorna som är så vackra, som har så vacker hållning och som klär sig på alla möjliga (och för oss omöjliga) sätt; glitter, strass, åtsittande, böljande tyg, guld,..... och deras vackra nötbruna hy. Lite jealus är jag nog :D
This Is Arfrica!
All is not gold that glitters :) The new dipstick in the gearbox that was put there by a guy in the Maldives (!), has been worn out (wrongly inserted) and Lars feared that splinters from it would damage the gear. This in turn meant that the oil must be drained to remove splinters and a new plug would be inserted. Many #*&% were heard from "engine room" ... Two oil changes, plug back, but now everything is done that can be done.
Along with Ludde on S/V Mary it took the rest of the day to fill diesel. Dinghy to the port, a car to the service station x number of times with x number of jerry cans, filling the tanks with a hose, clean the cans, wash the boat .... What a difference when at a marina you can pump diesel in 15min : D
Filling gas (LPG) might seem like a simple thing. But it´s not! A Dutch boat neighbour found a proper extension, filled (poured) gas in the tubes, and teached Jimmy (our boat boy) what to do and gave him the extension. It took him all day and we were ever so grateful that he fixed our tube simultaneously! No gas = no food !
Our new dinghy has started to leak again. The pontoon that the shark tore in Chagos has begun to leak! There is no help available here so we just hope that we 'll manage until we get to South Africa...
While Lasse worked with the boat I slipped away to town. I ended up in the middle of a funeral procession that came out of the church. The caravan train went through town in their colorful, flowing robes and headscarves . An anthem filled the city's streets and even cars stopped out of respect for the dead.
It is a treat that really fills the heart just looking at the crowd, especially the women. They are so beautiful, with dresses in all possible (and for us it impossible) ways ; glitter, rhinestones, tight , undulating fabric, gold ..... and their beautiful hazel complexion. Have to admit, I´m a little jealus : D
This Is Arfrica !
Vilka bilder!! Ännu ett paradis vid havet.
Ålandseglingen gick bra, alla vann! Bra väder, och varmt.