Intet är som väntans tider
29mar, Fortaleza, Brasilien
Vi fick ett härligt mottagande av våra vänner som redan hunnit till Fortaleza; Ilkka, Elina och Markku på finska S/Y Melina och Johanna och Camilla på norska S/Y Flow. Såklart strulade det till sig när vi skulle ankra i hård sidvind á la mediterrainian style - kontrollen till ankarspelet gick bananas. Men även detta fick lösa sig och till slut, med allas hjälp, låg vi fast vid bryggan. Genast upp i masten med Lasse och starka killar vinchade upp honom. Det var bråttom för nästa morgon skulle Melina segla vidare och därmed flera hjälpande händer. Vi fick bekräftat det vi trodde hade hänt; fästet till förstaget var sönder. Reservdelar kommer den 01apr (skämt?) från Zspar i Frankrike. Det är bara att vänta medan alla andra sätter segel och far ifrån oss :(
Men skam den som grämer sig, vi har ju haft TUR! Nisse gast har nu lämnat skeppet till förmån för sin väntande sjömanshustru, Marianne, och vi gratulerade honom till väl utförda, dryga 4000nm (!), över hela sydatlanten. Det är det inte många som gjort! Ytterligare en skåra i kolven!
I väntan på reservdelar är det ändå miljoner saker att göra; tvätta hela båten inne och ute, tvätta kläder, förbereda logistik för montering av förstag och furling, turista med busslast full av inhemska turister, gå på strandpromenaden och kika på folk.... Tiden går fort men det innebär att vi får ändå mer bråttom genom Karibien och besök på Cuba för att hinna över till USA före orkansäsongen i slutet av maj.
Lars is like a bird, high in the sky doing the rigging inspection. But perhaps not as free...
Fortaleza by night together with sailing friends S/V Melina and S/V Flow, and with Carpiririhas on masse :D
We received a wonderful reception from our friends at arrival to Fortaleza; Finnish "Melina" the Norwegian "Flow". Of course we messed it up when we anchored in strong crosswinds á la mediterrainian style - the control to the windlass went bananas. But even this got resolved in the end and with everyone's help we tied up Ambika at Marina Park Hotel. Immediately Lasse climbed the mast and strong Finnish guys vinched him up.
We have sailed 1000nm (from just outside Ascenstion) without the forestay (which broke in the middle of the night, when else) and we got the mast quickly secured with hailyards. We made it thanks to a steady wind from behind, sailing only with a reefed mainsail.
At the top of the mast Lars received confirmation of what we thought had happened; the attachment of the forestay to the mast top fitting was broken and spare parts will 01apr from Zspar in France. We just have to stay behind while all the other yachts sets sail and continues north : (
We have sailed 1000nm (from just outside Ascenstion) without the forestay (which broke in the middle of the night, when else) and we got the mast quickly secured with hailyards. We made it thanks to a steady wind from behind, sailing only with a reefed mainsail.
At the top of the mast Lars received confirmation of what we thought had happened; the attachment of the forestay to the mast top fitting was broken and spare parts will 01apr from Zspar in France. We just have to stay behind while all the other yachts sets sail and continues north : (
But while waiting for the parts, there is still a million things to do: wash the entire boat inside and out, wash clothes, prepare the logistics for mounting the forestay and furling, we took a bus ride full of domestic tourists to some nice beaches and we experience Fortalez by night which means eating shellfish and walking on the boardwalk looking at people .... time flies, but ithis unfortunent delay means we are even more in a hurry to sail through the Caribbean, visits to Cuba and sail to the United States before the hurricane season starts in late May.
Guided tour to nice places with difficult Portugese names (which I have forgotten :)
...we enjoyed it very much!
Then a Buggy ride with "The Flow Girls" Johanna and Camilla...
...including rally on the beach and in the sand dunes further away. We felt like 17 years again. IIIhhaaah!
Yet another beaufiful beach.... there are obviously plenty of them :)
..with paragliding and other beach activities...´s "Freedom" allright!!
A BIG moment in my round-the-world-sail-career. Camilla taught me how to bake bread AND I succeded to have it raise!!!!!!!!! WOW!!! She should have come around a few years earlier!
Postat av: Marie Holmqvist
Tummen upp!!! Det är lite trögt att erkänna, men jäklar vad ni är duktiga!! Jag är verkligen sååå impad!! High five!!!!
erja Ödmark
Postat av: Eliza
Fantastiskt, nu kan vi andas ut…….KRAM