In vino veritas

01okt, Lagos, Portugal
Finns sanningen i vinet? Ja, åtminstone fick vi testa en hel del av denna underbara dryck under våra fantastiska dagar i Slovenien hemma hos Inger och Stani (kort för Stanislav) där vi fick hjälpa till med årets vinskörd. Under några fina höstdagar hjälpte vi (nåja, försökte hjälpa) dem att bärga det lilla som fanns kvar av druvorna. Sommaren hade varit alltför regnig och kall och en stor del av skörden var förstörd, druvorna var illa åtgågna. Under "vanliga" år kan ca 2000 liter vin läggas till samlingen, i år bara ca 600! 
Alla hjälpte till. Grannar och vänner. Unga och gamla. Slovener och svenskar. Dragspelare. Först plockade vi Chardonay och andra vita druvor. Sedan röda druvor som smakade smultron. Vi rensade bort dåliga druvor och samlade in de fina allt medan dragspelaren spelade, hundar ylade och vin från förra året serverades till hugade plockare (=alla). Mat i stora lass serverades med jämna mellanrum. Vinet pressades på gammalt sätt i en press från 1700-talet. Imponerande och vanisinnigt gott och roligt. Vilken upplevelse! Tack Inger och Stani!
We were invited to friends to harvest grapes in Slovenia but first one day and night in Palma de Mallorca on our way to "work"
This is another way of earning a few bucks :D
At the wine yard in Slovenia (close to Gornja Radgona) Stani is "measuring" the sweetness of the old red grapes... mmmmmm!

...and his wife Inger is presenting the rosé wine from last year. Sooo good! They own the wine yard in Slovenia (in a village close to Graz in Austria) where we were grape pickers for a couple of days.
Inger and Stani are friends of Otto and Pirjo, and we were invited to join also :)

This summer has been too wet and cold, and a large part of the crop was destroyed, a large part of the grapes were bad. During "normal" years there could be over 2000 liters of wine added to the collection, this year only about 600! 


Everyone helped. Neighbors and friends. Young and old. Slovenes and Swedes. Accordion player. First we picked Chardonay and other white grapes. Then red grapes that tasted strawberries. We cleared away the bad grapes and collected the fine ones while the accordionist played, dogs howled and wine from last year were served to the workers. The wine was pressed in the old way with a press from the 1792. Impressive and lots of fun. What an experience!
Last but not least; a great party with lots of food - and wine of course!!!!
We also went to Maribor, the second largest city (after Ljubljana), to witness the crowning cermony of the "Wine Queen". This wine plant (clinging to the wall) is ONE plant only and it´s the oldest in the world, over 400 years old!! And it´s still "delivering" grapes and they still make wine from it. The wine is not for sale and is only served in V.I.M. (very important meetings :)


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