The Big Chute Boat Railway Lock, Trent-Severn Waterway 11jul 2017
In English below
Det har gått några dagar sedan vi lämnade den söta staden Orilla där vi lyxade till oss och låg tre nätter i marina. Skönt att slippa generatorns brummande och vi behövde verkligen proviantera och besöka civilisationen en stund efter alla dessa slussar, parker och ankringar. Semester, helt enkelt :)
Imorgon ska vi färdas nedåt i en märkvärdig skapelse; the Big Chute, måtte vara fransk :) Den första varianten byggdes 1917 men snart behövdes mer kapacitet så 1924 stod en större variant på plats, samma som den som vi ska färdas på! Den hämtar upp båtar på en järnvägsvagn som går på räls ner i vattnet, äker 200m på land inklusive ett fall på sjutton meter och sätter sedan iland farkosterna igen. Istället för en sluss har denna tingest konstruerats....
Lite dramatik har vi blivit vittne till även dessa dagar. Båten som gick framför oss häromdagen efter en sluss, mötte en liten bogserbåt som tutade ilsket (fast vi som gick medströms hade rätt till väg) och gick mitt i den supersmala passagen med strid ström. Det bar sig inte bättre än att daycruisern brakade rakt upp på klipporna och studsade flera gånger innan den kom ner i vattnet igen. Det gjorde ont i oss att se för jag hade pratat med dem i slussen och de hade just köpt båten och var på sin jungfrutur med familjen. Den 12 åriga sonen hade aldrig slussat och tog massor av bilder med sin mobil, var helt hänförd över att vattnet bara förvann...
Just nu ligger en stackars Mainship (samma som vi har) vid Big Chute, de skulle transporterats över till andra sidan men medan han väntade (på fel sida de gröna prickarna) på att komma ombord gick han på grund ordentligt. Det var i förmiddags och nu vid sjutiden på kvällen har varvet härintill bogserat dem av grundet och upp på land med stora skador på propellrar och roder... stackars dem!
This is the french explorer Samuel de Champlain who "discovered" Orilla 1615 and negotiated land with the natives. One of the waterways in Canada is also named after him. In 1840 the first settlement in Orilla was formed with a population of 200 persons. Today Orilla is called the Sunshine City and with it´s big waterfront it attracts many tourists.
It has been a few days since we left the cute city of Orilla where we were luxurious and spent three nights in the marina. It's nice to not hear the generator's humming and we really needed to provision and visit civilization for a while after all these locks, parks and anchorings. Holidays, simply :)
Tomorrow we will travel downwards in a remarkable creation, must be French :) The first variant was built in 1917 but soon they needed more capacity so 1924 there was a bigger one in place, the same as the one we are going to travel on! It retrieves boats on a railroad lane that runs on into the water, then on 200m on land, including a fall of seventeen meters, and then reinserts the vessels on the other side. Instead of a lock, this thing has been constructed.
A little bit of drama again; A boat that went in front of us after a lock, met a small tugboat that was quite aggresive and drove in the middle of the super-narrow passage with a lot of current. The day cruiser tried to avoid the tug and went straight on the rocks and bounced several times before it came back into deeper water. It hurt us to see because I had talked to them in the lock and they had just bought the boat and were on their maiden voyage on the boat with the family. The 12 year old son had never done a "locking" and took lots of pictures with his mobile phone, he was totally amazed of how the water disappeared beneth...
Today, a poor Mainship (the same type as we have) at Big Chute was to be transported to the other side, but while waiting (on the wrong side of the green markers), he went properly aground on a rock. It happened this morning and now at 7pm he was finally helped off the ground and off the water to a hard stand with severe damages on his props and rudder .... poor people! Loppers like we.
Typical anchoring site and it has been very calm weather the last week. But overall there are too many houses and cottage... hard to get feel of wilderness.
This guy, a Loon, and his fiancees (guess he has plenty with his good looks) have a fantastic sound (google it if you have not heard it). And when it´s dawn or dusk the sound is especially special :D
No, it´s not Stockholm archipelago! It´s Canada Trent-Severn Waterway :)
Narrow passages and strong current with us... going down stream now!
Big Chute Marine Railroad, we had to have a look before we tried it ourselves :)
But we are going the other way round...
This is the first one, built 1917
This little beauty (not) takes passengers from here to Ottawa, it takes five days and stops in five places along the way. A nice trip on the Trent-Severn Waterway for instance :)
An abundance of flowers... and today we saw a big beaver swimming close to Ambika :)