Oysters and boat repair

The cold front with rain and thunder in Beaufort came and we were pleased to be in the marina. The lightning strikes brightened the world and the thunder felt throughout the body. Our lightning strike outside Vanuatu was still alive in the reptile memory. Luckily the US Air Force´s air show was completed before the rain started!
Just before Charleston, after a nice day "in the ditch" we found the boat yard (Ross Marine), but we arrived too late in the day... Well, wonderful Uber took us to the beautiful old city of Charleston where we walked for hours, we just stopped to enjoy the city's oysters, mussels, crabs and shrimps. The oysters were super; Raw, gratinated, cooked, fried ... all amazingly good!
Charleston's history is breathtaking, and it's not so long since it all happened ... The city was established in the late 1600s and many buildings are still intact from the 1700s. South Carolina's great riches came from deer exports (they did business with Indians) Indigo and rice plantations and sales slaves. By the late 1800s, the majority of the inhabitants were black slaves. Due to revolts, laws that prohibited the blacks to meet, making money, learning to read, etc. A very hard life even in comparison with other states in the south.
The next morning Ambika Explorer went up on the hard. The problem was that the prop shaft was not properly secured in the gear box and the screws were not locked, causing vibration and leakage. An unusual error accordning the shipyard! An error that could have been very serious with a lost propeller shaft (and propeller), which in turn means a big hole at the bottom of the boat.....
Well, the guys were incredibly fast and skilled and at 4pm she was in the sea again. And the boss´s name was Tom Cruise (!) Boy, was he handsome!

åååååå jag vill också ha en veranda med gungstol. Så fina bilder o historia! tack tack.
kramar från ett vårlikt Uppsala.
Charleston är en härlig stad med mycket att se, inte minst Fort Sumter där the Civil war startade. Det blir lite deja vu att läsa bloggen, minnena kommer tillbaka efter 30 år när vi bodde i Charlotte NC.
Lite gott och blandat verkar det som. Fy för oväder och dyra reparationer. Hurra för vackra städer som Charleston och Savannah. Urkul att få ta del av historia och vackra bilder. Kram och tack!