Nashville, Tennesse, 12-14sep 2017
In Enlish below
"I want to live here!" Efter någon dag i Grand Rivers för att vänta ut "Irma" (som bara blev lite regn häruppe i norr) beslutade vi att hyra en bil tillsammans med John och Susan på "Eagle Hart" och åka och göra Nashville osäkert några dagar. Från Grand River var det 2tim bilresa till denna CountryandWesterns mecka! Det var ett fint strilande regn hela tiden men vad gjorde det när man omfamnades av denna fantastiska stad! Mina förväntningar var på medium nivå - men jisses vilken härlig stad! Glädjen hos alla var så påtaglig, man kunde känna glädjevibbarna överallt och det strömmade ut musik från varje vattenhål på Broadway, otroligt! Härligt! Åh, vad jag önskar att jag kunde sjunga eller åtminstone spela något litet instrument!! Vi fick nöja oss med att köpa en högtalare och ladda ner musik på spotfiy så att man kan få känslan från Nashville.... En cowboyhatt blev det i alla fall :)
Sista kvällen fick vi tag på biljetter på "The Grand ole Opry" där flera artister, men främst Luke Bryan var "on stage". Känslan när hela arenan gungade av 4000 människor sjöng med och applåderade stående var FANTASTISK! Och är han snygg eller är han snygg! En ny "Bruce Springsteen" kanske...
PS Dale och Sandy kom trots allt ganska lindrigt undan från orkanen Irma. Deras fastigheter i Key Largo blev översvämmade men inte så illa som de befaradat och husen i Crystal River klarade sig (som genom ett under). Puh! Men stackars alla dem som blev illa drabbade!!
Bald Headed Eagle on the Cumberland River, wow!
I want to live here! "After a day in Grand Rivers waiting for "Irma" to pass (which just gave us a bit of rain here in the north), we decided to rent a car together with John and Susan at Eagle Eagle and go and do Nashville for a couple of days. From Grand River, it was 2 hours drive to this CountryandWestern's mecka! It was raining all the time, but who cares when embraced by this amazing city! My expectations were on a medium level - but jeeez what a lovely city! The joy was so noticeable, you could feel it everywhere, and music streamed from every waterhole on Broadway, amazing! Oh, what I wish I could sing or at least play some little instrument !! We had to be content to buy a speaker and download music on Spotfiy so that we can get back the feeling from Nashville .... We tried to find fancy boots but bought a cowboy hat instead :)
The last night we went to the music hall "The Grand ole Opry" where, amongst other artists, Luke Bryan was on stage. The feeling when the full arena (4000 people) sang and applauded standing up was simply GREAT! Luke is probably the new Bruce Springsteen (my opionion)! And is he good looking or is he good looking!!
PS Dale and Sandy were hit by Hurricane Irma. Their properties in Key Largo were flooded, but not as bad as they feared, and the houses in Crystal River were not flooded as by a wonder! But poor all those who were badly affected!!
Scott (ex. American Airline Captain) on "Jet Stream" and Lars on boaters gathering (Docktails) in Green Turtle Bay Marina in Grand River.
We are in the South :) Grand Rivers, Kentucky!
Going to Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum with Susan and John.
Loretta getting award from Obama and she is still going strong! What a life she has had; from a poor coal miners daughter.....
Everyone was there!
Elvis of course
and one of his cars was on display. Extraordinary :)
...I wish...!
..I wish no II
Everywhere music. Bands on stage playing for tip only!!
Easy to have a good time!
..many bars visited, Wild Horse was one.
The (new) Grand Ole Opry.. Luke Bryan on stage!
Two hours of pure JOY!
Finally, a little piece of advice :)
PS Susan told me that her friend had a made a Christmas wish:
"Dear Santa, this year I would like have a fat bank account and a slim body. But please don´t mix it up like you did last year!"