Smokey Mountains
Chattanooga, TN, 30sep 2017
In English below
Det blev en full dag med våra nyfunna kompisar, Susan och John på Eagle Heart. Vi hyrde bil för att titta på Appalacherna och Smokey Mountans.... och köpa boots förstås!
Idag är det "bara" 25 grader varmt, en tur till mataffären står på agandan och ikväll live Country Musik på baren vid marinan. Det är sista kvällen med Susan och John innan våra vägar skjils; de far söderut och vi åker ut i spenaten några dagar i väntan på våra svenska gastar som kommer nästa vecka :)

"Smokeys" in the sunset :)
We had a full day with our new friends, Susan and John on Eagle Heart. We rented a car to watch the Appalachians and Smokey Mountans .... and buy boots of course!
Today, "just" is 25 degrees, a trip to the supermarket is on the agenda and tonight live country music at the bar at the marina. It's the last night with Susan and John before our roads part; they go the south and we go out for a few days on anchor awaiting our Swedish guests that's coming next week :)

Lars with two sheilas on the top of the mountain

..with a magic view!

Well, we have the confidence - only the boots are lacking :) But not for long!

Maybe boots with flowers, flowers and more flowers..... or not!

I fell for theese and Susan bought white boots full of hearts :)

Yesterdays biking on The Tail of Dragon and beyond, was fantastic, the boys thought!

John shows the bikes they had. John has the red and Lars the blue

and none of the bike parts hanging in the tree belongs to them!!!

Gatlinburg and Pidgeon Forge was like a circus...

with lots of people

and fall decoration!

We had to see the famous Chattanooga Choo-Choo, of course :)